

  • February 17, 2014

Patience is the understanding that some situations unfold in their own time, outside of your control. When you accept each moment in its fullness, you let go of your defensive shield. You can meet yourself in your completeness and open to life’s unfolding nature. In this way, you come to…

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Mindful Noting: Acceptance

Mindful Noting: Acceptance

  • February 12, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of acceptance.  Start by recognizing when resistance is occurring. Pay attention to whether you’ve lost connection to your breathing and body; if you’re judging, you’re obsessing, planning, fantasizing, or rehearsing so that you’re trying too hard, fighting against…

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  • February 10, 2014

Acceptance is a state of open receptivity, a willingness to invite in even the most unwelcome guests, and an ability to turn toward that which you resist. The more you embrace suffering and come to know it, the less you’re compulsively driven by avoiding it. You experience a certain “lightness…

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Mindful Noting: Letting be

Mindful Noting: Letting be

  • February 5, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of letting be. Start by recognizing when grasping or avoiding is occurring. Get to know it. How does it feel in the body, what thoughts arise, and what emotions manifest? Pay attention to whether you’re holding tension in…

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Letting Be

Letting Be

  • February 3, 2014

Letting be is defined as accepting things as they are, without grasping onto them or, alternatively, pushing them away. Letting be means letting go of your attachment, not wanting more or less—allowing events to run their course. –Janetti Marotta in 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem What is Magic?  What is…

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Mindful Noting: Non-striving

Mindful Noting: Non-striving

  • January 29, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of non-striving. Start by recognizing when striving is occurring. Pay attention to whether your breath is short and shallow or your body is tight and constricted; if you’re overthinking the problem, overlooking the obvious answer, or overfocusing on…

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  • January 27, 2014

Nonstriving is defined as not trying to get anywhere except into the present moment. Nonstriving means replacing the myth that life is happening somewhere else with the belief that what’s happening now is what really matters. –Janetti Marotta in 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem Now What is the meaning of…

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