Professional Experience
Palo Alto, CA
Exubrancy (Office Wellness Programs) at Tintri, Inc (Mountain View, CA)
New York, NY
Founder, Fertility Support and Mindfulness Program
Group Leader, Researcher, and In-service Staff Trainer
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Fertility Physicians, San Jose, CA
Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy
Mountain View, CA
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
Zouves Fertility Center, Daly City, CA
Monthly Surrogacy Support Groups 3/99-9/04
RESOLVE of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, CA
Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
California School of Professional Psychology, Alameda, CA
Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA
Marotta, J. 2023. Fertility and Mindfulness. Chapter in Mindfulness in the Birth Sphere: Practice for Pre-Conception to the Critical 1000 Days and Beyond. Pages 83-97 in Davies, L. & Crowther, S. (Eds). New York, NY: Routledge Press
Marotta, J. 2018. A Fertile Path: Guiding the Journey with Mindfulness and Compassion. North Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
-Translated in Korean Hakjisa Publisher Inc. 2019.
Marotta, J. 2013. 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem: Practices in Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Press.
-Translated in French and Italian and printed in hardback New York: MJF Books in arrangement with New Harbinger Press. 2015 & 2016.
Marotta, J. 2009. Stress Reduction Techniques to Reduce Patient Dropout Rates During eSET. Chapter in Single Embryo Transfer. Pages 159-170 in Gerris, J., Adamson, GD., DeSutter, P. & Racowsky, C. (Eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
-Translated in Italian in booklet for Momento Medico, Italy in arrangement with Cambridge University Press. 2010.
Burling, T., Marotta, J., Gonzalez, R., Moltzen, J., Welch, R., Eng, A. Schmidt, G., Ziff, D. & Reilly, P. 1989. A Computerized Smoking Cessation Program for the Worksite: Treatment Outcome and Feasibility. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(5), 619-622.
Marotta-Sims, J., Nishi, L. & Kolinsky, B. 1980. Autism Project In-Service Manual and Autism Project Sound Film Strip. Mendocino County Schools.
Sims, G & Sims, J.M. 1973. Does Face-to-Face Contact Reduce Counselee Responsiveness with Emotionally Insecure Youth? Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 10(4), 348-351.
Marotta, J. Mindfulness Meditation—Intermittent Eight Week Class Series. Exubrancy at Tintri, Inc., Aug. 2017-Jul. 2018.
Marotta, J. Mindful Self-Esteem—A Six Week Series. Insight Meditation South Bay, May 10-Jun. 14, 2018.
Marotta, J. A Mindfulness-based Group Model for Infertility or Fundamental Life Crisis. Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society—Clinical Conference at Asilomar. Jun. 2018
Marotta, J. Seminars on 20+ different infertility/mind-body topics. Palo Alto Medical Foundation Fertility Physicians, Nov. 2006-Apr. 2018.
Wesson, N. & Marotta, J. The Essentials for Starting and Leading Psychotherapy Groups. Presented for Life Moves by Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy: Oct. 2016.
Marotta, J. & Wesson, N. Integrating Group Process with Mindful Self-Esteem. Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society—Clinical Conference at Asilomar. Jun. 2016
Marotta, J. Mindfulness. Trinity School: Feb. 2016.
Marotta, J. Seven Factors of Awakening—Mindfulness. Insight Meditation South Bay: Apr. 2016.
Marotta, J. & Miller, C. The “Ins and Outs” of Professionally Led Support and Psycho-Educational Groups. Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy: Nov. 2015.
Marotta, J. Eight Great Thoughts: An 8-Week Speaker Series based on Anuruddha Sutta—Mindfulness. Insight Meditation South Bay: Apr. 2015
Marotta, J. A Series on Strengthening Mindfulness—The “Presents” of Mindfulness. Insight Meditation South Bay: Apr. 2015.
Marotta, J. & Wesson, N. Mindful Self-Esteem Practices within a Psychotherapy Group. American Group Psychotherapy Association National Convention: Feb. 2015.
Marotta, J. & Wesson, N. Mindful Self-Esteem Practices within a Psychotherapy Group. Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy: Oct. 2014.
Marotta, J. Mindful Self-Esteem: A Course in Cultivating Qualities for Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion. Santa Clara County Psychological Association & Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy: Feb. 2014.
Marotta, J. 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem: An Evening of Meditation & Teaching. Insight Meditation South Bay: Feb. 2014.
Marotta, J. & Sims, G. Book signing event–An Afternoon of Mindfulness and Peace. Lucie Stern Center: Jan. 2014.
Marotta, J. Mind-Body Approach to Chronic Pain. Agile Physical Therapy Center–staff training: Jun. 2007.
Marotta, J. Symposia presenter on 20+ infertility/mind-body topics. RESOLVE of Northern California: Jun. 1997-Oct. 2005.
Marotta, J. Marital Variables & Treatment Completion, April 1986; Differential Effects of Marital Status on Treatment Completion: Addicts vs. Alcoholics: Annual Conference of the National Council of Alcoholism: Apr. 1986.
Marotta-Sims, J. The Continuity between Dreams and a Vision Quest; Marital Status and its Relationship to Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Attrition; The Sense of Injuring and its Relevance to Analog Research on Aggression. Western Psychological Association Convention: Apr. 1984.
Articles/Interviews for Mindfulness and Fertility Related Newsletters/Blogs/Radio
Guiding the Infertility Journey with Mindfulness. Birth Circle Podcast. Dec. 2020.
A Fertile Path: Guiding the Journey with Mindfulness. Beat Infertility Virtual Summit. Apr. 2020
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Heather Huhman. Beat Infertility Podcast. Dec. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Paula Vail. Finding Your Joy with Paula Vail – WBTVN. Aug. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Linda Wattley The Truth Will Set you Free Radio Show. Jun. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Harry Johal. Carry On Harry Radio Show. Jun. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Erica Goodstone. Healthy Baby Boomers Network Radio with Dr. Erica Goodstone. Jun. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Gayle Carson. Dr. Gayle Carson’s Living Regret Free Radio Show. Jun. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Shasta Tierra & McKenna Ray. Kindness in Your Soul Radio. Jun. 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Tekneshia Day. The Brighter Side with Tekneshia Day. May 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Aeson Knight. Psychic Coffee Shop Radio Show. May 2018.
A Fertile Path: Interview with Janetti Marotta and Robert Sharpe. Bringing Inspiration to Earth Radio Show. May 2018.
A Life Affirming Path—Dharma Talk at Insight Meditation South Bay. April 2018.
50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem–Website Interview. Tiny Buddha. Jun. 2015.
Mindfulness: A Great Wellness Goal for 2015. Los Altos Town Crier. Jan. 2015.
Infertility Treatment—How to Cope. My Life Stages Sutter Health Ask the Expert Healthy Living Blog. April, 2015 Selected to be reposted by Melaina Juntti Jul. 2016
Greeting Pregnancy with Mindfulness. Beyond Infertility. Dec. 2014.
Giving the Presence of Mindfulness. Beyond Infertility. Dec. 2014.
Give Yourself the Gift of Mindfulness. Palo Alto Medical Foundation Health Blog. Dec. 2014.
The Paradox of Self-Esteem. Santa Clara Country Psychological Association Newsletter. Winter, 2014.
50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem. Interview with Janetti Marotta and Michelle Skeen. Relationships 2.0 Radio. May 2014.
Mindful Self-Esteem: An Interview with Janetti Marotta and Lynn Crocker. Create Your Reality Radio. Apr. 2014.
50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem. Website Interview with A.R. Silverberry. Mar. 2014.
Improve Inner Awareness and Live a Life Free of Harsh Self-Judgments with 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem. New Harbinger Publications Consumer e-Newsletter. Dec. 2013.
How to Use Mindfulness to Help Clients Move Past Distressing Emotions. Quick tips for therapists. New Harbinger Publications Consumer e-Newletter. Dec. 2013.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place. RESOLVE of Northern California Newsletter, Spring, 2000.
The Heart of Surrogacy. RESOLVE of N. Calif. Newsletter, Winter, 2000.
A Gift from God. RESOLVE Illinois Newsletter, Winter, 1999.
The Paradoxes of Infertility. RESOLVE of N. Calif. Newsletter, Fall, 1999.
The Surrogacy Experience. Organization of Parents through Surrogacy Website, 1998.
Nursing from your Soul: How to Nurse your Baby from Adoption or Surrogacy.
Organization of Parents through Surrogacy Website, 1998.
Opening to the Surrogacy Experience. Organization of Parents through Surrogacy Newsletter, Fall, 16,1997.
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Major: Psychology
Degree: B.A., Honors in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude
University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Major: Clinical Psychology (APA-Approved)
Degree: Ph.D.
Honors and Awards
National Institute of Mental Health Stipend — UNR, 1980, 1981
Western Psychological Association Research Scholarship, 1984
Department of Veterans Affairs Performance Awards, 1985, 1986
Specialized Training
Trained and practiced in Transcendental Meditation, Zen Meditation, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Mindfulness Meditation (1971-current)
Participated in a 9-day Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) professional training program under the direction of Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. and Saki Santorelli, Ed.D. and an 8-week MBSR professional training program under the direction of Bob Stahl, Ph.D. ( 2003-2005)
Certified by Rites of Passage as Vision Quest Guide (1994)
Obtained training in behavior therapy from Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D. (1971), group psychotherapy
from Irv Yalom, M.D. (1990), and family therapy from the Family Program, Veterans Affairs
Palo Alto Health Care System (1984-1991).
Professional Associations
American Psychological Association (APA)
* References available on request.