This talk was given as part of the series “Strengthening Mindfulness.” The talk discussed various ‘presents,’ or gifts, that the practice of mindfulness can bring to our daily lives. For example, one definition of mindfulness is simply being aware of what’s happening right now without judgment. So the practice of…
Dharma Talks – Mindfulness
This talk was given as part of the series “Eight Great Thoughts” (Anguttara Nikaya 8:30). Mindfulness is an aware acceptance of the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness opens us to accept the present moment just as it is, whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant, without either clinging to it or rejecting…
Radio Interview with Dr. Michelle Skeen
Tune in to listen to my conversation on Relationships 2.0 Radio with Dr. Michelle Skeen. It airs Tuesday, May 20th, 3:00-4:00 PST KCAA AM-105. In case you missed it you can also listen here: My conversation on Relationships 2.0 Radio with Dr. Michelle Skeen.
Interview with A. R. Silverberry
Read my full interview with Author A. R. Silverberry where we discuss the inspiration for my book 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem, Buddhist practices and other topics here: 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem with Dr. Janetti Marotta
Radio Interview: What it Means to Practice Mindfulness
Listen to my conversation with Lynn Crocker about what it means to practice mindfulness. It airs Monday, February 17th at 11:30am and 5:30pm PST here: what it means to practice mindfulness radio interview