Take a few deep, slow abdominal breaths to settle into a place of quiet. Pair affirmations with each in breath and out breath. Allow each breath to penetrate deeper and deeper into the heart. You may wish to use the affirmations below or create your own. Breathing in acceptance—Breathing out…
Momentary Meditations
Momentary Meditation: Acceptance Breath
As you’re breathing in slow, deep abdominal breaths, bring your awareness to the body, noticing points of tension, tightness, heat, cold, or neutralness. Slowly begin to expand your awareness to thoughts and emotions, noticing perhaps anxiety, sadness, worry, fear, fatigue, or neutralness. As you slow and deepen the breath, drop…
Momentary Meditation: Touching Breath
As you begin to settle, notice the breath naturally occurring. As you lightly bring attention to the breath, invite the breath to slow and deepen into natural abdominal breaths. Feel the breath where the breath is most evident or most accessible. This may be in the belly, chest, whole body,…
Momentary Meditation: Releasing Breath
As you’re breathing in, tune into sensations in the body; as you’re breathing out, encourage the body to soften, release, and let go. Notice tightness and tension; tingling, trembling, and shaking; warmth, heat, coolness, and cold; numbness and neutralness. Take 3-4 of these slow, deep releasing breaths.