

  • December 26, 2016

“Patience is the understanding that some situations unfold in their own time, outside of your control. When you accept each moment in its fullness, you let go of your defensive shield. You can meet yourself in your completeness and open to life’s unfolding nature. In this way, you come to know the effortlessness and wisdom of patience” (Marotta 2013, 115).

Ask yourself: “Do I find myself impatient—engaged in compulsive activity by rushing to get things done or being uneasy when things get too quiet or experience life in process with my attention on the present?”

Mindful Observation—Patience. Notice when you are feeling impatient by focusing on the outcome not the process, the obstacle not the journey. Make a mental note Impatience, then step back, gain perspective, and choose how you wish to respond.

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