Mindful Self-Esteem and Self-Care: Thinking Practices

Mindful Self-Esteem and Self-Care: Thinking Practices

  • November 14, 2016

Part I and Part II of this series explored the relationship between mindful self-esteem and self-care through the foundational practices of mindfulness of the breath and mindfulness of the body. Part III of this series focuses on thinking practices that cultivate the cornerstone quality of mindfulness, acceptance, and the associated “pillars of mindfulness” (Kabat-Zinn): non-judging, beginner’s mind, non-striving, letting be, patience, and trust as self-reliance. Cultivating these attitudes helps you shift from a self-esteem driven by “doing” or striving to be someone you’re trying to be to a self-esteem cultivated by “being” as you witness your unfolding nature. Each entry begins with an excerpt from my book, 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem: Everyday Practices for Cultivating Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion and is followed with an inquiry and practice.

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