Mindful Noting: Letting be

Mindful Noting: Letting be

  • February 5, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of letting be. Start by recognizing when grasping or avoiding is occurring. Get to know it. How does it feel in the body, what thoughts arise, and what emotions manifest? Pay attention to whether you’re holding tension in…

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Mindful Noting: Non-striving

Mindful Noting: Non-striving

  • January 29, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of non-striving. Start by recognizing when striving is occurring. Pay attention to whether your breath is short and shallow or your body is tight and constricted; if you’re overthinking the problem, overlooking the obvious answer, or overfocusing on…

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Mindful Noting: Beginner’s mind

Mindful Noting: Beginner’s mind

  • January 22, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of beginners mind. Start by recognizing when assumptions are occurring and how you’re holding it in your body, thoughts, and emotions. Pay attention to bodily numbness or itchiness, cold or heat, and subtle or gross vibrations; if you’re…

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Mindful Noting: Nonjudging

Mindful Noting: Nonjudging

  • January 15, 2014

When you cultivate the qualities for mindful self-esteem, you plant the seed of nonjudging. Start by recognizing when judging is occurring. Get to know it. How does it feel in the body, what thoughts arise, and what emotions manifest? Pay attention to bodily tension or tightness; if you’re thinking in…

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